About Us

Founder Sarah Hummel

At FORMATION sauna + wellness, we believe that everyone has the right to feel radiant.

Our space is based on the centuries-old restorative tradition of sauna, a wellness experience that aids in relaxation of mind, body and spirit, and its communal nature shares with it our intention to share good living.  

FORMATION sauna + wellness begins with community. The environment welcomes everyone who has the wish to connect with all the subtleties of the body and mind. With our traditional Nordic sauna as foundation, we offer a shared space to reduce distractions and settle into your intentions.

The cycle of sauna — moving gracefully between hot and cold — is a natural detoxifier. It nourishes the body by stimulating blood flow and, in turn, stimulates the mind. Going through the stages of sauna allows for a quiet detachment from stress, promotes gentle communication with the body and elevates health and energy. 

We are proud to offer unique opportunities for self-care inclusive of bodywork and diverse range of sound bath, pranayama and metaphysical workshops. Each of these, like the cycle of sauna, allow for settling into the subtleties of the body. By learning to listen to intuitions of the body, one can more easily tap into its potential — whether the aim is completing a first marathon, improved focus at work or general well-being.


We are a curated experience of relaxation seeking to provide a refuge for you to feel grounded, beautiful and at home in your body.